This is Teachers’ Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. I am so blessed to have an amazing teacher like you. You have my eternal gratefulness. Happy Teachers’ Day!

This is Teachers’ Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. I am so blessed to have an amazing teacher like you. You have my eternal gratefulness. Happy Teachers’ Day!
Muchas gracias profesora, usted tiene un corazón muy grande y bueno.
Our studies in Argentina were really valuable, but I have to say that our experience here in the Academy has no comparison. It was the first encounter with a class 100% (or almost) in Lithuanian, and it was at first quite a shock. Now we are convinced that our mouths and ears never had such training. Filling pages of workbook exercises as we did is useful, but doesn’t help you to learn how to communicate effectively with others. It is like knowing a lot of mechanics, but having never driven a car.
For me it was really important and pleasant to participate in courses. Every time I come in Klaipeda, during our courses, I really feel like in a family. Thank you and whole our course staff for doing such a great thing.
Man buvo labai malonu studijuoti. Mano nuoširdžiausia pagarba dėstytojoms Kristinai, Vaidai ir visiems organizatoriams! Labai esu dėkingas už nuostabų nuotolinį lietuvių kalbos kursą. Labai ačiū visiems jums už šiltą atmosferą, gerą nuotaiką ir galimybę sužinoti ir išmokti daugiau lietuvių kalbos.
(...) It’s amazing how the excellent docents from the University of Klaipėda lead us to study together as a team by interesting lessons. No matter what´s the knowledge of Lithuanian language of the students and other people, from the age of 11 till 74, when they arrive – the docents manage that it´s not boring for the strong once an not to difficult for the others – in the opposite – after some days we become a harmonic team with the target of progress for everyone.
Forgotten that we come from all over the world, with different backgrounds of politic, religion ... – Friends we are!(..)
Я очень благодарна вам за курсы, это был невероятный месяц! Я представляю сколько труда и времени вы вложили в организацию!
Все прошло просто замечательно, я восхищена вашей работой!
Вы каким-то чудом сделали курсы такими насыщенными и интересными, что мне кажется мы и не испытывали неудобств от того, что они проходили удалено!
Dėka Jūsų aš pradėjau kalbėti lietuviškai! Labai labai ačiū!
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